Friday, 30 June 2017


Today, went very well despite some major problems before the gig. The biggest being that Sophie lost her voice and decided not to sing. This was very bad however didn't come as a surprise due to the severity of it the day before. Because of this, Guy Ferris had to sing the part and we had to make a minor change to the setlist by changing our cover of 'Seven' to an original called 'Quarry Street'. Despite these problems the show went very well and I am very happy with the outcome. I have written a more in depth look into the performance in my 'Evaluation Of The Performance' blog. (Both Guy and I will accompany Sophie on a retake of the performance next week)

here is the makeup for the performance:
We decided to get some very bright flower and dot designs. We decided on this design, as we felt that it represented ourselves and the style of music that we played, as it harks back to a very hippie type of culture that we feel has influenced some of the lyrical ideas in our music. We also decided to wear really formal clothes. Our fashion choice was heavily influenced by Catfish and The Bottlemen, as they choose to wear nice shirts and have a black and white theme (as pointed out in my research). However we chose to add a twist to conventional styles of ordinary bands by applying face paint. Here you can see Guy and Sophie with the face paint just before the gig.

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