Monday, 13 March 2017

(Band Skills) Summative Assessment reflection/Evaluation

Yesterday in Band Skills (8/3/2017), i performed a Live lounge cover of 'Sexual (sensual)' by Neiked, with my band. I feel this performance went very well for us, despite the fact that we were first on, which meant that we were tasked with setting either a good or bad example for all of the other bands.
I also feel that the performance went very well with every one of us, being very confident in our parts and that my call and response section went very well, despite a fairly shakey hand due to nerves.

I feel that my band was very organised with rehearsals, and all the members really strived to do well by appearing when they could. We also had very long rehearsals, so that we could run through the song multiple times and perfect our parts. i really liked the group that i was put into, as everyone had a drive to keep on practicing and rehearsing all of our parts, and no one slacked behind.
There also weren't really any problems that we needed to address during the rehearsals, however it did take us quite a long time to develop our parts and sync them with each other. This took a lot of experimentation before we were able to sculpt something remotely like the final composition. I also stuck to my rehearsal schedule for the Gantt chart and i didn't need to change anything, as it was well planned.

The performance:
When we got onto the stage, everyone really felt the nerves of being first on. I tried to block this out and not think to much about it, as when that happens i start to lose control of what I play. I feel that we all worked well and had good chemistry onstage, as we are all friends. Most of the performance, i did stay in one place, however that was due to the use of a Cry Baby pedal that i was using to get my funk sound. So, for most of the performance, i did lack in stage presence, However i did make it out into the front of the stage during the chorus sections of the song when i could.

I also feel that my solo went very well, as i was doing call and response, with some reasonably hard blues licks to play throughout. For this solo, i was using alternate picking, which meant that i really needed to practice and get this right, as i am not very good at alternate picking. I was also very happy about the ending of the song, as that took us quite a lot of time to perfect and no one messed up.

Experience that i gained for future projects?
I feel that this helped give me an insight into what it really took to be in a band and what it takes to rehearse a song to a good standard and perform it confidently. I also realise how much of a daunting task it is, to take a song from the top 40, and try make it better.

If the task happened again?
If the task happened again, i feel that there wouldn't be that much to improve upon, as i learnt from my mistakes with all of the other performances. This meant making sure i was completely in tune, i had the right effects that suited the performance and i was ready to play.

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