Friday, 7 July 2017

Practice rehearsals

here are some dated practice rehearsals that I recorded on my phone over the past couple of weeks. I have tried to put them to the actual blog post, however I have written too many blogs and can't go back to edit them. So, I am making a brand new blogpost where I will analyse the practice sessions.
practice of 'Seven' (V. Early on with one guitar) - BLOGPOST 3 (10/5/17)
Here is the first proper practice session of 'Seven' by Catfish and The Bottlemen. You can clearly hear that after the hour of rehearsing this song, we managed to get both the guitar and vocals really tight. I felt that this session was really productive as we managed to get a lot of work done in such a short space of time. I feel like this practice session could improve with the addition of another guitar, however we didn't have one at the time.
Development of 'Spaced' (messing with the lead guitar) BLOGPOST 8 (17/5/17)
Here is the second time we properly rehearsed 'Spaced' together. This was a week after we had written it, so we were really rough with the song. Throughout this video, you can hear the basis of what was to be the lead-line of the song, however we hadn't developed it far enough at this point. I feel like this practice session could improve by me, having all of the lead parts prepared and developed.

Practice at the park (Multicoloured Laces) BLOGPOST 13 (24/5/17)
Here is a practice of Multicoloured Laces at the park, quickly with only one guitar. You can hear in this video that we have managed to develop it into a quite a good structure and its a bit more polished than the other songs as we have practiced it more. I feel like this practice session could ave been better, if we had a clear structure that we could use, so that we know exactly when each other are playing what. This is clearly a problem when Guy mentions "I thought you were suppose to be soloing here, should I?" at 2:49 into the song.

Practice at the park/river with Sophie ('Spaced' with one guitar) BLOGPOST 29 (20/6/17)
In this video you can hear one guitar being played by Guy Ferris and Sophie Pagni singing along with it. Throughout the video, it is clear that we have progressed as a band and have developed the song into a catchy, very well practiced song (Sophie is still trying to learn the lyrics though, as she joined the group fairly recently at this point)